The small bale system. The HOELSCHER bale accumulator and forks allow one man to handle small square bales quickly and efficiently without manual labor.
It also offers versatility of loading trailers or trucks, or stacking in the field. Up to 250 bales per hour may be picked up, loaded, transported, and stacked by yourself, without the need of a crew. The value of your crop is not compromised, because the bales are not bent, twisted, thrown, or dragged.
Compact size, industrial quality and heavy weight describe this line of construction equipment
from Hoelscher Commercial Products.
Designed for 25-50 horsepower tractors, these innovative units can dig, level, haul, grade or pack. Dig a pond, build and maintain roadways or do landscaping around your homestead. Now you can get real earth moving work out of your small tractor.
Hoelscher Inc
312 S. Main
Bushton, KS 67427
Copyright © 2004 -
Phone: (620) 562-3575
Fax: (620) 562-3359